zaterdag 26 november 2011
woensdag 4 augustus 2010
It's very hard to write stories often, because I don't have internet in my appartment
and when I take my computer to school I only have a little time and besides that the internet is fucking slow
and that is why I can't put my pictures on my blog because it took like 5 minutes for one picture to upload and I have never been very patienced.
But for as far as words can show you enough of my life here, I'll try and tell.
Actually, I don't really know what to tell. Yeah, it's fun. It's beautiful. School is nice.
I've made a very good friend, Sarah with who I hang out like all the time.
She's my very best friend here and I think when she would go I would die of loneliness because there aren't many other people I can hang out with. People are very friendly, but it's like, the italians stick with the italians, the german with the german, etc etc so that kind of sucks because the whole beautiful idea of international friends is sort of bull shit.
Me and my french friend are quite special in that way.
But how I miss talking dutch sometimes. Sarah's english is worse than mine so a lot of the time we don't even understand eachother.
The other day we talked in bull-shit language. like ' haraglamishakrimagoeloe'
and we actually understood eachother.
A man came to us and asked ' what language is that you're speaking?' and we had to improvise like crazy but we got away with it quite fine.
He said ' where are you from' and I said ' a small country close to china' HAHA how dumb can you ever be to believe that, as if me and a french girl look like some middle of nowhere - pakistan people. he said ' what is your nationality' and we were talking to eachother in the bullshit language with a tone like ' i don't know, do you?' that was a kind of panic moment. We ended up saying ' we don't really have a nationality, it's a mix of a lot of nationalities'.
And that is just one of the 1283107 crazy situations me and sarah have been in.
I'll tell you another one, cause it's worth telling.
We were at a metro station somewhere downtown waiting for our metro.
As always, there were all homeless junky fucked up people walking around smelling of poo and asking for change.
But there was one guy (?) who walked like he had a stick in his ass and had a voice of a 12 year old girl.
he started talking to us and I must say he was hilarious.
He told us he was a gipsy and he could look into the future.
So we asked about our future.
He said we are going to be very rich. Sarah is going to have twins and me, i'll have three kids (KILL ME PLEASE)
He said I'll have my first record and boys will be in love with me. and sarah will find her dreamboy.
So how that sounded quite good.
But because he also said I look like Shakira, I don't really think anything of what he sais is close to the truth.
He shaked Sarah's hand as the metro was arriving. she didn't touch her hand for the rest of the day until she found a place to wash it. hahahahaha.
Today we were at Hermose Beach, and again, I fell head over heels in love with Los Angeles.
We were having lunch on a big balcony with view over the beach and the ocean.
It was warm and down at the beach people were chilling and playing volleyball (I feel it's some sort of californian obsession, volleyball)
in the restaurant they were playing beach boys and that kind of music and I felt perfectly happy.
Heaven excists.
and when I take my computer to school I only have a little time and besides that the internet is fucking slow
and that is why I can't put my pictures on my blog because it took like 5 minutes for one picture to upload and I have never been very patienced.
But for as far as words can show you enough of my life here, I'll try and tell.
Actually, I don't really know what to tell. Yeah, it's fun. It's beautiful. School is nice.
I've made a very good friend, Sarah with who I hang out like all the time.
She's my very best friend here and I think when she would go I would die of loneliness because there aren't many other people I can hang out with. People are very friendly, but it's like, the italians stick with the italians, the german with the german, etc etc so that kind of sucks because the whole beautiful idea of international friends is sort of bull shit.
Me and my french friend are quite special in that way.
But how I miss talking dutch sometimes. Sarah's english is worse than mine so a lot of the time we don't even understand eachother.
The other day we talked in bull-shit language. like ' haraglamishakrimagoeloe'
and we actually understood eachother.
A man came to us and asked ' what language is that you're speaking?' and we had to improvise like crazy but we got away with it quite fine.
He said ' where are you from' and I said ' a small country close to china' HAHA how dumb can you ever be to believe that, as if me and a french girl look like some middle of nowhere - pakistan people. he said ' what is your nationality' and we were talking to eachother in the bullshit language with a tone like ' i don't know, do you?' that was a kind of panic moment. We ended up saying ' we don't really have a nationality, it's a mix of a lot of nationalities'.
And that is just one of the 1283107 crazy situations me and sarah have been in.
I'll tell you another one, cause it's worth telling.
We were at a metro station somewhere downtown waiting for our metro.
As always, there were all homeless junky fucked up people walking around smelling of poo and asking for change.
But there was one guy (?) who walked like he had a stick in his ass and had a voice of a 12 year old girl.
he started talking to us and I must say he was hilarious.
He told us he was a gipsy and he could look into the future.
So we asked about our future.
He said we are going to be very rich. Sarah is going to have twins and me, i'll have three kids (KILL ME PLEASE)
He said I'll have my first record and boys will be in love with me. and sarah will find her dreamboy.
So how that sounded quite good.
But because he also said I look like Shakira, I don't really think anything of what he sais is close to the truth.
He shaked Sarah's hand as the metro was arriving. she didn't touch her hand for the rest of the day until she found a place to wash it. hahahahaha.
Today we were at Hermose Beach, and again, I fell head over heels in love with Los Angeles.
We were having lunch on a big balcony with view over the beach and the ocean.
It was warm and down at the beach people were chilling and playing volleyball (I feel it's some sort of californian obsession, volleyball)
in the restaurant they were playing beach boys and that kind of music and I felt perfectly happy.
Heaven excists.
woensdag 28 juli 2010
In the Californian Sun
So there I am, sitting in the student lounge of my EF school, with my cute little laptop.
In the south of California, south of Los Angeles, called 'South Bay', Redondo Beach.
When I walk out of the school and look down the street I can see the blue ocean.
There are hills surrounding my neighborhood, all packed with white houses.
At the sides of the roads are palms and bushes with pink flowers.
Damn, how I love Los Angeles.
there are a very few cities in the world with which you can fall in love.
And I think Los Angeles is one of them.
When I was driving in a bus yesterday, I passed venice beach and west hollywood.
I think of this place as some sort of paradise.
Everywhere are houses in all kind of colours, like pink, yellow, blue.
Every house has his own pool and garden full of flowers.
the streets are full of this inmense tall palmtrees and other trees.
More downtown are the HUGE buildings, and it was quite like new york, only tropical.
And that is actually what Los Angeles is. It's a modern city, only tropical.
And to me that is the perfect combination.
Down the beach the city dissapears and the tropical part takes over.
The beaches are beautiful. People are skating and running at the boulevard, on the beach people are playing volleyball & in the water people are surfing.
Now I know it wasn't stupid at all, not liking new york that much.
Los Angeles is 10 times better.
Redondo beach does not represent Los Angeles in a good way.
Redondo beach is kind of boring and dead, when you compare it to some other parts.
It is more of a beach place, and nothing more than that.
Houses, cars, and a beach. that's it. No shops, no buildings, nothing to do.
That is the big disadvantage of Redondo beach, together with the fact that it is quite in the middle of nowhere and with public transport of bike all the other places are far away.
Santa Monica & Hermosa beach is not that far, but still waaay to far to walk.
It's a bit isolated here. I don't really like that. Going to Downtown is a whole day activity.
I got some pictures, I'll put those in my next message.

In the south of California, south of Los Angeles, called 'South Bay', Redondo Beach.
When I walk out of the school and look down the street I can see the blue ocean.
There are hills surrounding my neighborhood, all packed with white houses.
At the sides of the roads are palms and bushes with pink flowers.
Damn, how I love Los Angeles.
there are a very few cities in the world with which you can fall in love.
And I think Los Angeles is one of them.
When I was driving in a bus yesterday, I passed venice beach and west hollywood.
I think of this place as some sort of paradise.
Everywhere are houses in all kind of colours, like pink, yellow, blue.
Every house has his own pool and garden full of flowers.
the streets are full of this inmense tall palmtrees and other trees.
More downtown are the HUGE buildings, and it was quite like new york, only tropical.
And that is actually what Los Angeles is. It's a modern city, only tropical.
And to me that is the perfect combination.
Down the beach the city dissapears and the tropical part takes over.
The beaches are beautiful. People are skating and running at the boulevard, on the beach people are playing volleyball & in the water people are surfing.
Now I know it wasn't stupid at all, not liking new york that much.
Los Angeles is 10 times better.
Redondo beach does not represent Los Angeles in a good way.
Redondo beach is kind of boring and dead, when you compare it to some other parts.
It is more of a beach place, and nothing more than that.
Houses, cars, and a beach. that's it. No shops, no buildings, nothing to do.
That is the big disadvantage of Redondo beach, together with the fact that it is quite in the middle of nowhere and with public transport of bike all the other places are far away.
Santa Monica & Hermosa beach is not that far, but still waaay to far to walk.
It's a bit isolated here. I don't really like that. Going to Downtown is a whole day activity.
I got some pictures, I'll put those in my next message.
Santa Monica, the park next to the beach.
vrijdag 23 juli 2010
DAMN I can't wait to go to lovely, lovely los angeles.
Redondo beach is where i'll stay and as far as I can tell redondo beach is goood.
i'll keep on writing while I'm in LA cause there's wireless internet at the school. yeahh
home again
After I got home from New York I've been more busy than ever.I graduated this year so I went home to be at my graduation.A few days later me and my girl Britt went on a holiday to Rimini with Beachmasters.This holiday was crazy, exactly as we thought it would be, at least these aspects:Everynight a different party at different clubshouse music and dj's and dancing crazydrinking cocktails and other drinks. a little bit too much.waking up at 4 and walking all sleepy to the beach and laying there till it's time for dinnerhave dinner at a restaurant eating pizza or lasagne. dressing up at the hotelroom and singing along to stupid music like the vengaboys hahah.Britt and me are special because of our conversations about e-ve-ry-thing. especially about life and what to do with our time. deep, very deep.
when I got home me and my boyfriend decided to go away for a few daysso I was home for only one day.We stayed in Holland, 2 hours away from my home in a hotel somewhere in the middle of the forest.It was relaxed and I really needed that. I'm always most relaxed when I'm with him.He's making me feel comfortable and I love that.

when I got home me and my boyfriend decided to go away for a few daysso I was home for only one day.We stayed in Holland, 2 hours away from my home in a hotel somewhere in the middle of the forest.It was relaxed and I really needed that. I'm always most relaxed when I'm with him.He's making me feel comfortable and I love that.
Last New York Story
I owe you the last new york story.
the last weekend me & ilona went to the Hamptons, some place near New York where all the wealthy & fancy people have their mansions.
and. those. houses. are. BIG.
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn you should've seen me sitting in the car looking at all these sick bigass houses
and I never been more motivated to do this modelling.
money money money
eventhough I guess I have to work 45 years before I can afford a house like that.
We all went over at the place of 2 guys who just had their house open for everybody they knew just to come and hang out or whatever. what else to do with all the space?
The house was full of models and the two owners were just sitting at the couch. Me and Ilona dressed up an we all went out. The club wasn't too cool but the music absolutely was.
Home again, everybody jumped in the jacuzzi and sat there until the sun came up again.The next day everybody slept till 3pm
but I was already up at 11am. So I sat down at the pool enjoying the sun and feeling sorry for the cleaner, cleaning the whooole house.
I just lay on an airbed in the swimmingpool. I got a tan and I was scared to death looking in the mirror.I got like 4 teints darker and as a model you shouldn't get tanned so I was all stressed out what they would say when I'd come at the agency. (they didn't even notice though).
Another little story which is quite fun to tell, is the following.
Me and the 3 girls were dining at a restaurant near our appartement.We were just sitting there talking and eating
when whitney of 'the hills' walked in with her boyfriend.
I never watch that show but ofcourse I recognized her. I said to Nicole 'don't look, but whitney of the hills just walked in'ofcourse she looked. 'OMG OMG'. obviously she is a bigger fan than I am.Whitney and her boyfriend sat down in the back of the restaurant. Nicole couldn't stop lookingand it was so funny because some times I cought her staring all scary at them. "nicole you're doing it again!"
The second part of the story is that Alex, our friend began to act all uncomfortable and looking sad.
He explained he used to date whitney and it was weird to see her again
because at some point she just stopped texting him and started to ignore him and he didn't know why.
It was so sad and it was SO weird to hear that because whitney actually was his ex-girlfriend?!
The freakiest of all was, when he told he even been in the show for a few episodes.I haven't looked it up yet but friends told me they remember a guy called alex so i guess it was true.
how crazy is that?
some pictures of the mansion at the hamptons. still don't know why blogspot puts pictures on their sides without reason but it ignores me all fucking crazy

the last weekend me & ilona went to the Hamptons, some place near New York where all the wealthy & fancy people have their mansions.
and. those. houses. are. BIG.
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn you should've seen me sitting in the car looking at all these sick bigass houses
and I never been more motivated to do this modelling.
money money money
eventhough I guess I have to work 45 years before I can afford a house like that.
We all went over at the place of 2 guys who just had their house open for everybody they knew just to come and hang out or whatever. what else to do with all the space?
The house was full of models and the two owners were just sitting at the couch. Me and Ilona dressed up an we all went out. The club wasn't too cool but the music absolutely was.
Home again, everybody jumped in the jacuzzi and sat there until the sun came up again.The next day everybody slept till 3pm
but I was already up at 11am. So I sat down at the pool enjoying the sun and feeling sorry for the cleaner, cleaning the whooole house.
I just lay on an airbed in the swimmingpool. I got a tan and I was scared to death looking in the mirror.I got like 4 teints darker and as a model you shouldn't get tanned so I was all stressed out what they would say when I'd come at the agency. (they didn't even notice though).
Another little story which is quite fun to tell, is the following.
Me and the 3 girls were dining at a restaurant near our appartement.We were just sitting there talking and eating
when whitney of 'the hills' walked in with her boyfriend.
I never watch that show but ofcourse I recognized her. I said to Nicole 'don't look, but whitney of the hills just walked in'ofcourse she looked. 'OMG OMG'. obviously she is a bigger fan than I am.Whitney and her boyfriend sat down in the back of the restaurant. Nicole couldn't stop lookingand it was so funny because some times I cought her staring all scary at them. "nicole you're doing it again!"
The second part of the story is that Alex, our friend began to act all uncomfortable and looking sad.
He explained he used to date whitney and it was weird to see her again
because at some point she just stopped texting him and started to ignore him and he didn't know why.
It was so sad and it was SO weird to hear that because whitney actually was his ex-girlfriend?!
The freakiest of all was, when he told he even been in the show for a few episodes.I haven't looked it up yet but friends told me they remember a guy called alex so i guess it was true.
how crazy is that?
some pictures of the mansion at the hamptons. still don't know why blogspot puts pictures on their sides without reason but it ignores me all fucking crazy
zondag 4 juli 2010
I'd like to apologize for the horrible mistakes I make when I write stories.
I kind of want to kill myself when I read my stories and see things like 'way' instead of 'why' & 'are' instead of 'our'.
Guess I'm more stupid than I thought.. bummer.
hope you'll forgive me & otherwise screw yourself cause I'm not going to check every word I'm typing.
right now i'm going to check all my stories because my parents say it's a good practice and I guess I need that.
I kind of want to kill myself when I read my stories and see things like 'way' instead of 'why' & 'are' instead of 'our'.
Guess I'm more stupid than I thought.. bummer.
hope you'll forgive me & otherwise screw yourself cause I'm not going to check every word I'm typing.
right now i'm going to check all my stories because my parents say it's a good practice and I guess I need that.
maandag 28 juni 2010
Some pictures of the modellounge I told about + pictures of my way to the agency (now you can see what I am seeing almost everyday)
My way to the agency. Although a big part is missing. My walk from the appartement to astor place (which is VERY LONG) and then one stop with the 6-train uptown. then I walk outof the subway station and that is where the pictures continue:
The little park at union square. I think of it as the dead-people-park because everybody there is lying in the grass as if being dead and sometimes it gets so scary it looks like a battlefield of a war or something. I guess that is the local place to sleep if you haven't slept enough in your bed.
The little park at union square. I think of it as the dead-people-park because everybody there is lying in the grass as if being dead and sometimes it gets so scary it looks like a battlefield of a war or something. I guess that is the local place to sleep if you haven't slept enough in your bed.
Union Square. Some days in the week there's a market, which is very cute. sometimes art and touristic stuff and sometimes a food market with all healthy things.
Fifth Ave. it's going right through new york, it's exactly in the middle. that is why the streets on the west side of the ave are called 'West 14th street' and on the other side 'east 14th street', which looks quite funny when you're standing between the signs.
There we are, at the agency. It's a really nice agency. It's very big and spacey with couches and all. sometimes I just go and hang around, sitting at the computer, calling my parents.
The table in the middle is where all the bookers are sitting. on the right side sits mine.
zaterdag 26 juni 2010
'Wow that tiny fat dude looks like Kanye West'
Me and my friends and some others girls went out on a diner at a sushi place.
We had to wait for our table so we sat down at the lounge.
A guy walked by all on is own and I looked at him and I said to the other girls
'wow look at that guy he looks like kanye west' but they were all like no way.
And I also really couldn't believe it because he was very small, and he looked fat.
And that is not how I picture Kanye West.
Anyway, finally our table was ready so we sat there.
The table next to us was like the head table in the whole restaurant and was full of people.
At the head of the table the same guy was seated as we saw in the lounge.
and that was when it started to occur to me and everybody else.
The guy sitting there actually wás kanye west.
He was having a diner with all this fancy friends and a black topmodel (uhh jessica white was her name)
and it was SO weird and SO hard not to look at him all the time.
famous people are so interesting to look at, I don't really know why.
But yay it was the first celebrity in New York I spotted! (finally after three weeks).
He went to the same club as we all did so we saw him there again.
It feels kind of weird to be going out at the same place as kanye west hahaha.
There was this other famous dude but I didn't knew him
But all the other girls around me nearly fainted so I felt like a noob.
He was an actor from 'gossip girl' . he's playing a guy named chuck and I have no idea what his real name is.
His table was next to ours so everybody was looking at him like the whoooole time
I also did, eventhough he just looked like a normal guy to me. only surrounded by like 20 pretty girls
who are desperately trying to get his attention. oh, what a life.
well, that was my exciting celebtrity story, woohoo.
If i would be staying one day longer I could tell about lady gaga cause she's giving a free concert at central park and it SUCKS that I'm missing that because I would love to see her performing.
oh well.
We had to wait for our table so we sat down at the lounge.
A guy walked by all on is own and I looked at him and I said to the other girls
'wow look at that guy he looks like kanye west' but they were all like no way.
And I also really couldn't believe it because he was very small, and he looked fat.
And that is not how I picture Kanye West.
Anyway, finally our table was ready so we sat there.
The table next to us was like the head table in the whole restaurant and was full of people.
At the head of the table the same guy was seated as we saw in the lounge.
and that was when it started to occur to me and everybody else.
The guy sitting there actually wás kanye west.
He was having a diner with all this fancy friends and a black topmodel (uhh jessica white was her name)
and it was SO weird and SO hard not to look at him all the time.
famous people are so interesting to look at, I don't really know why.
But yay it was the first celebrity in New York I spotted! (finally after three weeks).
He went to the same club as we all did so we saw him there again.
It feels kind of weird to be going out at the same place as kanye west hahaha.
There was this other famous dude but I didn't knew him
But all the other girls around me nearly fainted so I felt like a noob.
He was an actor from 'gossip girl' . he's playing a guy named chuck and I have no idea what his real name is.
His table was next to ours so everybody was looking at him like the whoooole time
I also did, eventhough he just looked like a normal guy to me. only surrounded by like 20 pretty girls
who are desperately trying to get his attention. oh, what a life.
well, that was my exciting celebtrity story, woohoo.
If i would be staying one day longer I could tell about lady gaga cause she's giving a free concert at central park and it SUCKS that I'm missing that because I would love to see her performing.
oh well.
It has been way too long since I wrote something.
I didn't feel like it this week. My mood was kind of bad all week
but now it's finally getting better.
Just one week left and I'll be coming home again.
Can't wait, actually. New York is fun, but I wouldn't want to stay here longer.
There are so many things I have done and which I can talk about,
I don't really know where to start.
I’ll start with something from a week ago.
I guess I haven’t told about the model lounge.
The model lounge is some lounge where you can hang out when you’re a model (kind of logical)
You can get there free food and drinks and all, and everyday they give away things like dresses and shoes and bikinis. Yes, that’s nice.
Anyway, the lounge is opened from Monday till Thursday. On Friday the lounge is located at another spot. It’s the roof of some fancy hotel at 9th ave. It’s the penthouse with a pool and a roofgarden and goshhhh it is nice.
Ilse and I went there and relaxed allover and ate some sushi. You could get free massages also but we didn’t do that (why didn’t we do that?).
Yesterday there was this amazing brunch but stupid ass jessica didn’t go because she had to start at three and brunch was at twelve (waaay too early).
HAHA there’s another thing I really need to tell about.
The modellounge also gives free tickets to concerts. So Nicole and I went to one, eventhough we had no idea who the artist was. We only knew one song, the one that goes like ‘what do you want from me’.
Anyway we got there with 4 other models. The first dissapointement was the concert hall. I thought it would be HUGE and that was also why we went, to see the enormous hall.
But it was like not even as big as heineken music hall and something like two times paradiso. I found that quite sad for a concert hall at times square.
So at that point we found that the only thing we were there for, were the musicians.
So the first came (there were 2 small performances before the headperformance).
I was scared to death when these people came walking the stage
They were all like dressed up emo style with purple hair and tutu’s and chains and all and when they start playing I litteraly put my hands on my ears because it was SO LOUD
My punkrock period is way in the past and I never got to understand the music again.
All those guitars giving me a headache and the drummer trying to smash his drums and this leadsinger girl with red hair jumping around as having some sort of spasmatic attack.
No, I did not like the first concert.
But we had good hope for the second one.
This was a girl called orianthi and she looked kind of cool with blonde hair and a cool outfit and when she started playing and singing it sounded good. I was shocked when I found out that I actually knew one song, maybe you do too. It’s called ‘according to you’ and it’s kind of fun. She did some solo’s which were cool but after 5 of them it got kind of boring.
But all this time we stayed, because we wanted to see the guy we came for.
On the way in we saw some t-shirts with disturbing pictures of him where he looked like gay gothic gay, but then we were like , nah he’ll be normal.
But omg….
It went like this;
We were waiting for an hour already so we were getting very unpatienced (just like everybody else in the room).
So when FINALLY the lights were turned down everybody started screaming like crazy. Even before the show started it was already sad. At the back of the stage there was some sad powerpoint playing with all these scary gay pictures of him. But when he entered the stage.. omg I was like.. I couldn’t say a word. I was too shocked.
He stood there on the top of a (very sad) little stairs wearing a long purple coat with feathers on it, shiny leather pants, a very deep v-neck top with 100 silver necklaces, leather gloves, a high purple hat with feathers and he was wearing silver makeup.
Can you imagine what that looked like?
When he took off his coat all the girls start screaming as if they died and I got all crazy as in HOW COULD YOU FIND THAT SEXY
W000t I know like, Bill from tokio hotel is bad, but this was like 137120837 times WORSE
And OMG when he started dancing
I wanted to kill myself.
He was like dancing very sensual like a snake and all and oh god, you don’t want to know what that looked like especially in THOSE PANTS.
We stayed for 4 songs and then we took of.
Damn, that was some waste of time.
I didn't feel like it this week. My mood was kind of bad all week
but now it's finally getting better.
Just one week left and I'll be coming home again.
Can't wait, actually. New York is fun, but I wouldn't want to stay here longer.
There are so many things I have done and which I can talk about,
I don't really know where to start.
I’ll start with something from a week ago.
I guess I haven’t told about the model lounge.
The model lounge is some lounge where you can hang out when you’re a model (kind of logical)
You can get there free food and drinks and all, and everyday they give away things like dresses and shoes and bikinis. Yes, that’s nice.
Anyway, the lounge is opened from Monday till Thursday. On Friday the lounge is located at another spot. It’s the roof of some fancy hotel at 9th ave. It’s the penthouse with a pool and a roofgarden and goshhhh it is nice.
Ilse and I went there and relaxed allover and ate some sushi. You could get free massages also but we didn’t do that (why didn’t we do that?).
Yesterday there was this amazing brunch but stupid ass jessica didn’t go because she had to start at three and brunch was at twelve (waaay too early).
HAHA there’s another thing I really need to tell about.
The modellounge also gives free tickets to concerts. So Nicole and I went to one, eventhough we had no idea who the artist was. We only knew one song, the one that goes like ‘what do you want from me’.
Anyway we got there with 4 other models. The first dissapointement was the concert hall. I thought it would be HUGE and that was also why we went, to see the enormous hall.
But it was like not even as big as heineken music hall and something like two times paradiso. I found that quite sad for a concert hall at times square.
So at that point we found that the only thing we were there for, were the musicians.
So the first came (there were 2 small performances before the headperformance).
I was scared to death when these people came walking the stage
They were all like dressed up emo style with purple hair and tutu’s and chains and all and when they start playing I litteraly put my hands on my ears because it was SO LOUD
My punkrock period is way in the past and I never got to understand the music again.
All those guitars giving me a headache and the drummer trying to smash his drums and this leadsinger girl with red hair jumping around as having some sort of spasmatic attack.
No, I did not like the first concert.
But we had good hope for the second one.
This was a girl called orianthi and she looked kind of cool with blonde hair and a cool outfit and when she started playing and singing it sounded good. I was shocked when I found out that I actually knew one song, maybe you do too. It’s called ‘according to you’ and it’s kind of fun. She did some solo’s which were cool but after 5 of them it got kind of boring.
But all this time we stayed, because we wanted to see the guy we came for.
On the way in we saw some t-shirts with disturbing pictures of him where he looked like gay gothic gay, but then we were like , nah he’ll be normal.
But omg….
It went like this;
We were waiting for an hour already so we were getting very unpatienced (just like everybody else in the room).
So when FINALLY the lights were turned down everybody started screaming like crazy. Even before the show started it was already sad. At the back of the stage there was some sad powerpoint playing with all these scary gay pictures of him. But when he entered the stage.. omg I was like.. I couldn’t say a word. I was too shocked.
He stood there on the top of a (very sad) little stairs wearing a long purple coat with feathers on it, shiny leather pants, a very deep v-neck top with 100 silver necklaces, leather gloves, a high purple hat with feathers and he was wearing silver makeup.
Can you imagine what that looked like?
When he took off his coat all the girls start screaming as if they died and I got all crazy as in HOW COULD YOU FIND THAT SEXY
W000t I know like, Bill from tokio hotel is bad, but this was like 137120837 times WORSE
And OMG when he started dancing
I wanted to kill myself.
He was like dancing very sensual like a snake and all and oh god, you don’t want to know what that looked like especially in THOSE PANTS.
We stayed for 4 songs and then we took of.
Damn, that was some waste of time.
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