the last weekend me & ilona went to the Hamptons, some place near New York where all the wealthy & fancy people have their mansions.
and. those. houses. are. BIG.
daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn you should've seen me sitting in the car looking at all these sick bigass houses
and I never been more motivated to do this modelling.
money money money
eventhough I guess I have to work 45 years before I can afford a house like that.
We all went over at the place of 2 guys who just had their house open for everybody they knew just to come and hang out or whatever. what else to do with all the space?
The house was full of models and the two owners were just sitting at the couch. Me and Ilona dressed up an we all went out. The club wasn't too cool but the music absolutely was.
Home again, everybody jumped in the jacuzzi and sat there until the sun came up again.The next day everybody slept till 3pm
but I was already up at 11am. So I sat down at the pool enjoying the sun and feeling sorry for the cleaner, cleaning the whooole house.
I just lay on an airbed in the swimmingpool. I got a tan and I was scared to death looking in the mirror.I got like 4 teints darker and as a model you shouldn't get tanned so I was all stressed out what they would say when I'd come at the agency. (they didn't even notice though).
Another little story which is quite fun to tell, is the following.
Me and the 3 girls were dining at a restaurant near our appartement.We were just sitting there talking and eating
when whitney of 'the hills' walked in with her boyfriend.
I never watch that show but ofcourse I recognized her. I said to Nicole 'don't look, but whitney of the hills just walked in'ofcourse she looked. 'OMG OMG'. obviously she is a bigger fan than I am.Whitney and her boyfriend sat down in the back of the restaurant. Nicole couldn't stop lookingand it was so funny because some times I cought her staring all scary at them. "nicole you're doing it again!"
The second part of the story is that Alex, our friend began to act all uncomfortable and looking sad.
He explained he used to date whitney and it was weird to see her again
because at some point she just stopped texting him and started to ignore him and he didn't know why.
It was so sad and it was SO weird to hear that because whitney actually was his ex-girlfriend?!
The freakiest of all was, when he told he even been in the show for a few episodes.I haven't looked it up yet but friends told me they remember a guy called alex so i guess it was true.
how crazy is that?
some pictures of the mansion at the hamptons. still don't know why blogspot puts pictures on their sides without reason but it ignores me all fucking crazy
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