maandag 24 mei 2010


Because my blog isn't average enough here comes:
My look today.
If I was a french girl I'd be walking around Paris looking like this all day.
The hat is my boyfriend's which I stole today.
I'm seeing myself walking on the beach with the cute hat
and a wide tunic with cute little sandals and a pair of classic sunglasses

pant; VILA, top; TOPSHOP, scarf; MANGO, hat; RIVER ISLAND (men's)

1 opmerking:

  1. Hey Jessica,
    je ouders gaven je blogsite door. Coole foto's, grappige verhalen! Leuk hor :-)
    He en gefeliciteerd, want je bent geslaagd!! Je vader kwam vanmiddag even aanbellen en hij was heeeeeeeel trots op je :D
    Ga zo door, enjoy!

    xxx Jordana
