zondag 13 juni 2010

A Free Saturday With Nicole.

Yesterday, saturday, we all had a day off. That is way we decided to be doing some fun stuff we wanted to do all week but hadn't done yet. Me and Nicole decided to go to the Museum of Natural History, Central Park and Times Square. Because we made too many pictures and there is way too much to tell about, I'll just show the pictures with telling where and when they were taken.

Me and my lovely lady Nicole
We went to the museum at the start of the day. It was the coolest museum I've ever been to.
It's HUGE there and almost éverything is interesting. I'd love to go again!
The Ocean Hall: (the thing on the left is a whale)
all kinds of animals in all different environments

The view from a tower in the museum;

We walked towards Central park and the weather was all sunny and warm.
When we got to the lake we saw all these cute little boates with people relaxing in them
At this very moment I fell in love with New York.

We sat there for like half an hour enjoying this beautiful view and looked at the cute turtles who were swimming around in the water and smelling the nature of central park.
Then we got up and went to times square and start looking around at some store.
We got all crazy when we got at the barbie part of the toys r rus
because there actually was a bigass barbie house FULL with barbies.

And of course we also went to M&M World.
but got quite dissapointed when we found out that the m&m costed 13 dollars per pound.

Times square by dark was breath-taking.
I've never seen something so crazy and hysteric and colourful as this.
You could just sit down somewhere and look around
and you'll be enjoying yourself for like hours.

Nicole, Me, Ilse & Ilone sitting on the stairs.
A good end of a good day.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. hallo schaapje, we hebben een account aangemaakt, ik ben benieuwd of het werkt. Ik vnd je verhalen echt heel erg leuk!!!! En dat museum ziet er inderdaad geweldig leuk uit. Ga ook maar een keer naar het MoMA, dat gebouw op zich schijnt al geweldig mooi te zijn.


  2. MEID wat heb jij een vet leven
    HOE is het daar?!

