Firstly I went on my own to castings an gosee's, without someone going with me.
It actually went quite well, while I was very scared to be doing this.
I had to go to Saks and J. Crew and they both went well. Woohoo I'm getting independant!
(except for the moment when I tried to cross the street but it was way busy so I was standig there like 5 minutes trying to get to the other side when it occured to me that I should use crosswalk)
Later that day I had a shoot in Central park so I already went there. But the sky looked all black and scary so I walked around looking for some cafe to drink something.
I saw a starbucks but walked past it looking for something else
but never. look. for. cafe's. near. 81th. street. because there AREN'T ANY
after a utter tiring walk all around the history museum (WHICH IS BIG)
I ended up at starbucks.
The shoot at central park was shot by photographer Michael Donovan.
He is an ex-standupcomedian and how he made that clear
He was so funny I kept laughing and the make up artist got quite mad at me because I didn't keep my face straight.
The pictures were all different than I ever done. It was like beasty and sexual
And that may sound all terrifying but you should see the results.
Finally something different than all these boring romantic pictures allover my book.
After that I went home quickly because we had to go to a fashion show to which we were invited (the trump models),
to be seated in the audience. It all was going to be filmed, because it was part of a tv show, of Donald Trump. (called the apprentice or something like that)
So we all got dressed up fancy and headed over there (while walking every 10 seconds some dirty man had some dirty reaction).
Like, that is like, só Sex and the City.
the cuties seated behind me. At this very moment everybody was looking like
oh my god look at those kids finding themselves fancy.
fuck them, we wére fancy.
While we were waiting for amazing donald trump to appear (I got SO curious because I had no idea how he was like)
Me and samantha were being seated somewhere else.
guess what, we were seated RIGHT next to donald trumps seat.
Miss USA was already seated there (samantha lost her mind because she loves her and now was sitting next to her and talking with her)
The audience had to give an applause when Donald appeared
so when people start clapping I looked around all crazy looking for him.
he walk by me and samantha and he said 'hi ladies how are you doing tonight'
and (finally) it occured to me that we were only seated there, so donald trump had young ladies sitting around him.
Anyway, the show began and it got all american (as far as it wasn't already).
These smiling, "sexy" walking models wearing polo's and 3/4 pants with crazy sandals
and everytime we had to applause, that was utterly boring.
but later on the men came and they made quite a show of it and that was fun.
especially the final when they all came wearing nothing but black underpants and shoes.
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